Tuesday 2 July 2013

Brene Brown: the power and the beauty of vulnerability.

A friend sent me this link (highlighted below) to a talk on vulnerability by Brene Brown. Its one of 1,400 'creative commons' talks available on the TED website. TED for those who are not familiar with it was originally a conference held in the US- 'Technology, Entertainment, Design'. It's evolved and is now a major disseminator of ideas on the web.

These kinds of inspirational talks are something of an acquired taste, but this one touched me. Brown talks candidly about her life as a researcher, her attachment to the 'measuring stick', her research on shame, her psychotherapy and experience of breakdown/spiritual awakening. Its an uplifting talk though she doesn't explain how our need to defend and protect becomes so entrenched and habitual.

A funny, charismatic speaker, f you've ever struggled with vulnerability, experienced shame and fear loss of connection with others, you may find her talk interesting.

She names the main challenge-

Can we feel worthy of love and belonging?

Can we allow ourselves to be seen and be truly vulnerable?

Our vulnerability she reminds us is what makes us beautiful.
'Vulnerability is the birthplace of joy, creativity, belonging and love.'

Here's the link: